GWAG Launches Cultural Ambassador Scholarship in Georgia
February 9, 2018
Ghanaian Women’s Association of Georgia Donates Household Supplies to Family Promise of Gwinnett County
April 11, 20183…2…1…0…All Engines Running! We Have Ship Off!

On Tuesday, February 27, 2018, medical supplies and equipment purchased to furnish maternity wards at Oda Hospital, Adaklu clinic, Ho Central, and Ho West, finally left the warehouse in Tampa and began their voyage by sea. The 40-foot container containing beds, incubators, and other maternity supplies is estimated to arrive in Ghana at the end of March. We are very excited about this latest update and are looking forward to the arrival and distribution of the supplies once they arrive in Ghana. Thank you to AWHealth Organization for their help the second time around. The pictures below show GWAG president, Adiza Harruna, supervising the loading of the container in Tampa, Florida.
GWAG will be hosting our third fundraiser in April and the campaign to raise funds is currently ongoing.
GWAG will be hosting our third fundraiser in April and the campaign to raise funds is currently ongoing.

Adiza Harruna (GWAG President) loading wheelchairs into container headign to Ghana area hospitals.