GWAG Gains Business Certification in Ghana
April 26, 2017
Ghanaian Women’s Association of Georgia to Host Second Annual Fundraising Dinner in Support of Maternity Care
June 12, 2017GWAG Turns 10 – Celebrating a Decade of Community and Charity

The Ghanaian Women's Association of Georgia officially turned 10 today. Over the last 10 years, the organization - which held its first general meeting in January 2006 and was incorporated in the state of Georgia as a nonprofit on May 19, 2007 - has seen great growth in membership and its charitable contributions to the communities it serves.
The most recent charitable event successfully implemented last year was the adoption and furnishing of the Elmina Urban Health Center maternity ward in Ghana following a successful fundraising campaign. This year, the organization will continue to make its mark in healthcare with the adoption of additional hospitals and continued maintenance of the ones it has already furnished and equipped. Other initiatives the organization has been a part of over the last 10 years - and continues to pursue - are cultural promotion among the organization's children and youth, promoting entrepreneurship among its members, and supporting educational initiatives that empower women and children.
As part of its 10th-year celebrations, the organization is scheduled to host a number of events throughout the rest of the year, culminating in the grand event to be held later in December. To kick things off, ladies of GWAG are attending a Mother's Day spa day and jazz night tomorrow, May 20. On June 24, GWAG will host its second annual maternity fundraising event (the campaign is already ongoing. You can make a donation by visiting here) with a fundraising dinner. The organization also hopes to launch a scholarship fund at its December event to assist college-bound students of members and the community. To achieve this end, GWAG has set up a Friends of GWAG campaign where donors can sign up for monthly donations (to sign up, please visit here).
Other celebrations and events will be announced as information becomes available.